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Old 10-31-2010, 07:17 PM
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Location: Washburn, North Dakota
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Patsy, sorry, when I clicked the link in this message, it comes up a green dot & truth??? That's why I posted it, as help warning people, not to be a haux. Sorry, I'm still I get a green dot, you get a red dot?

Susan49, thank you for the idea of the table. I have the fold down table from JoAnns, which I like just fine. What you talk about must be larger, I think I'd love the space to the side especially.
Then I use a simple acrylic desk file holder for my rotaries, 3-4 per file slot. I've seen the ones with the grooves you buy, which I'm assuming is what you had made, they look nice. Also the ones that mount on the wall, cutting mat can slide behind, threads on pegs to one side, slots to the other for rulers...this looks nice for the smaller rulers but larger ones I'm sure would be too big, except maybe instead of mats behind it, the larger rulers, dah...
But I very much like the idea of a larger table "space" I'll have to hit hubby up for this idea. Then I could get the iron cover for the JoAnns table to iron the 'big' yds of fabric or final pressing of finished larger quilts.
I'm having my father who does wood projects build the square iron board that fits over regular iron boards, bought that pattern through Nancy's Notions. Hate that point on the iron board for ironing even pre-washed fabrics.
But then it does come in handy for clothing..still iron some things. I really need to reorganize my sewing room to be more efficient, something I guess develops over time and "adding" gadgets and stash.
Again thank you, and sorry to Patsy> still confusing to me.
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