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Old 11-01-2010, 05:28 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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I don't mean to knock one place of business or another with this statement, but has anyone ever boughten fabric to find it is so thin after washing - even though you bought it in a fabric shop? there is so much sizing in it - and once washed it was limp and you could see shadow outlines of people through it.......... I've had this happen from JoAnns' as well as some of the most expensive pieces of fabric from well-known manufacturers... so I will not put one down over the other.. I have bought buckoos of fabric, and just love making quilts and throws with them; and I'll bet with my next comment I'll get a lot of boo's but I even use polyesters for quilt tops. When you want a quilt to be able to withstand many washings as for babies, or in nursing homes where much washing is needed, these stand up to a lot of hard wear... yes, they are not the good cotton, but very substantial in use.
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