Old 11-01-2010, 12:30 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Kentucky
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OK....so this is my first month to do this which I am SO excited about. The only bad part of the whole thing is that getting on the scale thing...ugh!!! Made myself do it this morning and seriously considered the possibility that the thing may need new batteries!!!! Ahhh.....what we will do to rationalize these pounds away. Anywhooo....I am one of those people who firmly believes in "baby steps". I quit smoking and asked nothing else of myself for the 1st month. Then I cut my Diet Cokes and added water. Kept those 2 goals going and then found myself a hobby....yes that's how I ended up here. Believe me, I went through quite a few other things looking for something that fit....mosaic glass art, Chinese Painting, Meditation Classes, Cake Decorating, etc. Needless to say...I found my passion. So now....time to finish my "get healthier" goal. My first objective to achieving this goal is to become more active. So I think for this month, while I will attempt to eat better, I will focus more on making myself go to the YMCA at least 3 times a week. I was thinking, maybe on weeks that I make it 4 times a week I will reward myself somehow...have to think about that. Thanks so much for being here to support me and everyone else on this challenging journey :D
OK Everyone...on your mark....get set....GO!!!!!
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