Thread: UFO Challenge
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:06 PM
Elizabeth A.
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Gulf Coast, FL
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I've taken this to heart. Currently, I'm shooting for the stars! :D No new ones till the old ones are done! At least that's what I'm going for. The new machine is making it a bit hard as there are so many new things I want to do and explore with it. And the new book DH picked up for me...

In all seriousiness:

My Charity Perinatal Quilts are at the TOP of the UFO list. I need 20 (as I started with ten and messed up the sizes, so now I'll be making double, hence what caused it to be put on the back burner in the first place). I started out Three days ago with 6, and some not done tops. Now after careful work, I have 10! WOW, I didn't count it till just this minute, that's half way! Yippie! I also have 3 tops that are ready to quilt, so that's progress. :)

Then comes the dreaded 18 point full bed star. UGH! What a pain that one has been. I have 70 square inches of it done, and it's headed for 108". :P

For a bit of personal joy and recreation my current quilt will be waiting for the two UFO's above. But I'd like to complete all three done by Christmas, with the full/queen top I have in the closet quilted by the New Year, oh my. It feels a bit much when I type it out like that.
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