Old 11-05-2010, 03:42 AM
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Well, we're all done and stupid me forgot to take pictures! Anyway, we decided to send a couple hundred to our local county nursing home and will still be taking over 900 to send to the troops. The final count was 1,157! YEA!!!!! DD came out ever Tuesday and Thursday after school to help decorate and for the last week a couple of her friends joined her. Some of the stockings became quite whimsical but a lot were very elegant. We scrounged Goodwill, private stashes, Salvation Army, sale racks and anywhere else we could think of to come up with enough fabric. Several of us took off in different directions to try to find fabrics suitable for appliques. Mostly what we made the stocking bodies from was plain or gently printed fabric, the mock cuffs were plain or Christmas print and then we had to locate Christmas prints that were large enough or had enough room between them that we could use some ultrahold Heat and Bond on them for appliques. We've cut out until our hands are swollen, sat and sewn until our feet are swollen and our backs aching but all for a great cause.
I'm leaving for a quilting retreat at Threads of Time in Danville this morning but several of the ladies are traveling to LaSalle, Il on Monday to help stuff the stockings with the goodies that a lady there gets donated or purchases with money that's been donated. I hope there will be a lot of soldiers who's day will be made a little brighter by what we've helped do. I've brought home a large storage tub of stocking fabric and after the first of the year will start on next year's stockings. If, and I pray that it does, the war should end and our men and women come home there's plenty of nursing homes, childrens homes and other worthy causes locally that they can still be donated to.
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