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Old 11-05-2010, 06:31 AM
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Originally Posted by fabrichore
The other day I was talking to my other half about my sewing room, blahblahblah, anyway he said "I don't think you are a quilter, I think you just like to collect fabric", and I had to stop and think about it, recently I have been having a hard time getting into the sewing room ( a new sewing room mind you) and sitting there and completeing anything, I have many ideas and thoughts but nothing ever materilizes...I make a mistake and I have to pull it all out and do again and I find myself losing interest really quickly, I do like to sew and make pretty things, I am new to quilting and have made two quilts and some pillows but I do not know what my problem is, I have been struggling with my son lately but I am not going to blame him for my Inadequacies, I work all day and it takes an hour to get home, so by the time I get home I do not want to do anything,,,my mom would call it lazy and maybe I am...I am trying very hard not to convince myself I am not capable of doing this whole sewing thing, I love fabric, I love color, and I really do like to sew and create, so what in the world is wrong with me.... :cry:
Sometimes we just lose interest in things, perhaps the project of the moment. If you enjoy doing something, you will probably go back to it. Don't beat yourself up. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, and just don't have the energy every day. Try setting up a time that is YOU time when your schedule doesn't interfere and your are not tired.
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