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Old 11-05-2010, 06:14 PM
quilt2b's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 27

Originally Posted by missionslady
As long as I can remember I have loved the world of sewing. I mainly had scraps left over from all my years of sewing for my children, but when I got into quilting, I realized I needed a real stash! That gave me an excuse to buy fabric; when I found a great fabric sale, I needed to buy some to help build my stash! Well, my stash grew faster than I could turn things out. A couple years of health issues really set me back. But I discovered that even when I couldn't produce, it was such a stress reliever to visit my sewing room, small though it be. I love to feel the fabric, see the beautiful colors and dream about what I might one day make. It serves a purpose; it is part of my hobby! So be kind to yourself. Life will eventually slow down and your fabric will be there waiting. In the mean time, enjoy the journey!
I like you!
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