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Old 11-05-2010, 06:30 PM
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Oh my! That could almost describe me on some days. I have a full time, demanding job and a husband and teen-age son. I've found that during the week, I may not get to sew much, but I can oogle magazines and books and think about what I want to make. I have made 2 quilt tops (just need to add borders) and I'm very happy with them. But, I realized that I needed to finish something! So, I made a pot holder and you would have thought I'd completed a king sized quilt I was so excited. DH just laughed at me. It was a real movtivator though. So, enjoy your sewing time when you have time, consider some small projects interjected with larger ones for a sense of accomplishment, and do not feel bad for the times you don't feel like sewing.
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