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Old 11-07-2010, 06:29 AM
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Location: Lexington,Kentucky
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I have always enjoyed sewing, making clothing for myself and my daughter. It was my outlet, what made me feel I had "worth". But one of the things that I was so proud of was sewing for my son. He had bought his first car, an old MD midget. The insides were in shambles, but he was so proud. No money to buy new seats or even seat covers , and the stuffing was coming out of the original. For his birthday I had him remove the seats, frame and all, and I carefully removed the old leather and foam, ripped apart seams, cut out patterns and proceeded to make him new seats . I used my Featherweight! Then we cut and glued down new carpet. He was so proud of those seats, and all his friends would come by and inspect what I was doing, and they all thought I was just the coolest, most clever mom in the world. Rick was 16 then, and now at 53, he still talks about me making those seats And he believes there isn't anything mom can't do with a sewing machine!! Actually, all my kids think that, and at times they really push the limits!LOL
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