Old 11-11-2010, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Tinabodina
One of my "Bucket Lists" is to get good enough to enter a show, but I have no idea of how to enter. Where do I start?
One way to "get good enough" is to enter shows - the judges' comments will give you pointers on where to improve as well as an indication of what you are doing right.

I started by showing my quilts in our local quilt show (it wasn't judged, just viewer's choice), then took the leap to entering a judged show. I felt the comments fairly reflected my strengths and weaknesses.

One piece of advice I was given by a longtime quilter was not to enter shows because you want to win. She was right - it's the road to heartbreak! Enter because you like to see your quilt hanging there, because you want the judges' feedback, because you want to support your local show - there are a million reasons why. Then if you get a ribbon it's icing on the cake!
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