Old 11-11-2010, 05:39 PM
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Location: Reading, PA
Posts: 503

Tonight I was complaining to my husband (a mailman, who was off today), that the mailman did not come and I didn't get any squishes. He rolled his eyes and walked away. My dear sweet children explained to me that today was a holiday!!!!!

My daughter's MRI was completely normal meaning that she is going to continue to pee on herself for a very long time. We have the second opinion appointment in early
December. I sheduled all my sons appointments and now the kids have a minimun of 7 appointments every week :(

The depression is really trying hard to return but I chased it away tonight with 5 drinks :)

In all my 44 years (so now it is confirmed that I have been drinking since I admitted my age), I have never even consider filing a lawsuit. Now I have attorneys fighting to make to school provide my son with an education, I really hate that.

What put me over the top tonight was when my daughters teacher (at a Christian school) did a facial on her afterschool at the school and my 11 year old daughter came home wearing make-up including foundation and mascera. When I got upset my daughter said, " But Mom we did learn something, we learned all about....Mary Kay!" Once I calm down next week I MAY do something, but probably not.
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