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Old 11-12-2010, 09:03 AM
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[quote=Janeen]I can't do hand work anymore - just barely can do the handwork for bindings (but somebody on here told me to sew the binding on the back side, bring around and stitch on machine with fancy stitch instead of sew on the front, take to back and hand stitch)

Janeen, what a great idea! I am going to bind a QS quilt next week and was going to stitch the decorative stitch on the front and back of bias tape then sew it to the quilt - this cuts a TON of time out of the process! THANK YOU FOR THE GREAT IDEA!!! BLESS THIS BLOG!!!

As for the arthritis, please don't let it get in the way of whatever your passion is. If you love quilting, go for it. You don't have to spend a lot of money, buy what you need and stay within your budget. Start small to find out if you really like it - it sounds like you're kind of testing the waters right now. Whatever you decide, enjoy the journey!
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