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Old 11-14-2010, 05:18 AM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Keene, New Hampshire
Posts: 4,211

I think this is my 3rd post on this thread
Reading the most recent posts about learning from TV shows reminded me of making my first log cabin some time in the 80s when I still lived in NYC.
My son was away at Emerson College in Boston and I'd setup my sewing machine in his room, the TV with a VCR slot was in my bedroom.
I think it was an Eleanor Burns tape, or maybe Kay Woods.
Anyway, I'd watch a little of the tape, stop it, run to machine and do that step, then back to a little more of the tape .....
Eventually after much running back and forth the top was finished.
My friend, Marilyn Henrion, and I quilted it in white thread. Her stitches superb, mine quite large and irregular.
I love that quilt with its too wide logs and strange colour combinations + white thread on a dark quilt.
Had to retire it when the binding finally went a couple of years ago.
Someday it'll be the batt in a new double sized quilt or I'll put a new binding on it for a second life as a quilt.
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