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Old 11-18-2010, 04:29 AM
Senior Member
purple_butterfly's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Victoria Australia
Posts: 317

Since I've become a quilter my life is a little brighter.

I have drawers full of beautiful, colorful fabric.

I look at clothes and think 'ooh that fabric would look nice in a quilt'.

We don't eat at the kitchen table anymore because my sewing machine lives there.

And yes, my floor too is home to dust bunnies and bits of thread. In fact just this afternoon I looked at my lounge room carpet and said 'I really should vacuum this' before grabbing my WIP and playing around with some borders :lol:

Oh, and I recently found this great quilting forum full of friendly, welcoming people, and they are sooo talented :mrgreen:
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