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Old 11-18-2010, 01:10 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Obviously she's an artist and I have a son who is also.
I always wonder how they make money to live on. My son teaches photography part-time at Ohio State and is learning pilates and yoga so he will have other options to make money.
He's good at his art but it's just too hard to make a living at it. He's well aware of this but when you're an artist it's sometimes hard to work at a "regular" job.
In this economic climate I'm amazed that she even has a shop like that.
I wouldn't spend that kind of money but if I could afford it and liked it maybe I would.
There are many things people spend big bucks on that I wouldn't but there are things I would if I could but I can't so I don't LOL :D
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