Old 11-20-2010, 09:01 PM
pookie ookie
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Originally Posted by QuiltswithConvicts
Hey, Friends! Have any of you gone Fab Shop Hopping and stopped in at Stitchin' Heaven's site? They are the store in Texas with tons of BOMs. Anyway, starting in January is a Dear Jane BOM. $25.00 start-up fee, then $24.95 per month for 24 months. You get the materials & instructions for 10 blocks/triangles/kites per month. I did the math - that's over $625.00 before shipping & handling. However - they have a BEAUTIFUL 108" wide backing fabric to go with the traditionally colored Babies. Wish I had known about that before I started to quilt mine! They also offer all the other DJ stuff like the rulers, software ($68.95), etc. Couldn't find the shipping & Handling amount, but would guess it's at least $7.95 - that would be an additional $190.80 over the 24 months, so far that's$789.60 without the software or anything else. It does say that the instructions are included so I would assume that includes the patterns, too.

Does that seem just a little bit expensive?

Just thought you'd all like to know.
I have that BOM beginning in January 2010. Timed to run during my bf's latest deployment. I wanted to make the world's most famous anticipatory grief quilt during a deployment and I am. When mine says "In War Time," it's the real deal.

Deployment blankets have special meaning for us. He still uses the one I sent to him in Iraq. I assumed he would burn it before homecoming but he treasures it.

Money's not an issue for me (financially and emotionally since this quilt is a "love of my life is in danger" coping mechanism). I have no complaints on that front. If you can't afford a Lexus, buy a used something or other or take the subway. Such is life.

The fabric choices are amazing. I literally could not do better myself (and I'm picky). I did see one modern print lover freak out but what did she expect? It's repros for Pete's sake.

There are no templates or ready made paper piecing (as I recall). It has numbered instructions and some suggested alterations to be closer to the actual blocks. Also some drawings to keep you from turning a paper pieced block into a Picasso. I don't follow anyone's instructions ever so my quilt will have more pieces than Jane's.

Their customer service is great. I needed their assistance once and they helped me immediately. I would sign up again. They have two other versions... future deployments, perhaps.
Since everyone uses Google Alerts these days and I'm sure they'll see this: bring back the Ladies of the Sea BOM for 2012! I'm so there.

Thanks for "listening."
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