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Old 11-22-2010, 06:14 AM
Rettie V. Grama
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Be Careful using Neosporin. When I cut my leg last May, it was recommended I use Neosporin. After use of about a week, the wound became more inflamed than at the beginning. Still they recommended Neosporin. Used for about another 2 weeks. Wound worse. Took tests. Results: Allergic to Neosporin. It caused a deep burn which is still healing. If your wound gets redder and redder, it is not inflamation from the cut, it is a burn from Neosporin.

Originally Posted by OmaForFour
When it is closed and they are ready to take the stitches out put Neosporin on it to lessen the scarring so that you will be able to bend your thumb normally without it pulling and feeling stiff. Put it on every day.

We did this with my granddaughter when she fell off her bike and had stitches in her face. As a matter of fact we put the neosporin on from the getgo and she does not have any trace of scarring.
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