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Old 11-28-2010, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by sandy12010
well I am totally lost hate to say...I made one block with just the 2 colors and not really sure about it...I feel pretty stupid you want to know the truth
I haven't read every post, of course, but one can rarely tell what is going on by one block.
Are you going to alternate the colors and directions? Or can you add one more border, for example ... on the blue sides, put a black border, and on the black sides place the blue color.
As I remember it, you are working on different color-themed blocks, so are you going to change to the brown/gold tones or whatever on the other blocks? Or had you decided that you were going to go with blue and black on each block?
Either way, by adding two borders, alternating the colors, you will add a dimension to the block ...
On the next block, you may want to just switch the two colors ... currently, you have black on left/right, blue on up/down.
On the next block, you would put the blue on the sides and the black on the top ... again, another dimension ...
I guess I will go back through the thread to see what you have been thinking about <wave>
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