Thread: Fabric Waste
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Old 11-29-2010, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by plainpat
I only save strips at least 1 1/2" wide & 21/2" squares.I can pretty much tell by looking at a scrap if it's worth saving.Otherwise, out it goes.
DH is retired & we've already downsized...big time...2 diff times & now we're getting serious about getting rid of a whole lot of "stuff". If it hasn't been used, worn or needed in a yr...bye bye. Goes to a thrift store, or sold at a yd sale.

BIL used to rent space to store his collections.....& that made no sense to me. If you have more than your house will hold,why buy more? it sewing whatever, vases or guns.

Amen! Liberating isn't it?! It's the only way to live. I've been downsizing and downsizing over the years. Friends say "but your home is very decluttered and organized, so why more downsizing?" to make sure it stays that way! I have 1 neighbor that has NOTHING in her attic! Wow now that's an accomplishment! I'm not there yet. We live in condos, so space is tiny and at a premium. Fabric can get out of hand quickly. Donate what you don't need.
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