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Old 12-03-2010, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by gale
Originally Posted by janjj
Never get a flu shot. Do you know what's in a flu shot? I know they contain mercury - a neurotoxin that damages brain and nerve cells plus more chemicals our body does not know what to do with. I read that 36,000 Americans are killed every year from the flu.
Government statistics lump flu and pneumonia deaths together, but flu deaths are only a small fraction of the total. In 2001 the total number of flu deaths was 267
I feel it is like everything else - Follow the money. Eat good food, drink water and get your sleep.
Exercise helps too and deep breathing to get oxygen into your body. Take responsibility for your own health.
Actually very few people die from the flu. The majority die from complications that arise from having the flu, the most common of which is pneumonia. But if they didn't get the flu they likely wouldn't have gotten pneumonia in the first place. If you are concerned about the mercury in some shots, be sure to avoid canned fish (like tuna) as well-it has more mercury than a shot does.
If you are concerned about the mercury, you can request it without. I dont' think the H1N1 has a mercury free yet, but the regular flu shot does have that option.

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