Old 12-04-2010, 04:58 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 547

Originally Posted by butterflywing
this is the result of making ourselves dependent on other countries for products that we always produced here. i wonder if buying from china at high costs really is a savings when it put so many people here out of work and now they have to collect unemployment, go on welfare, need food stamps and health care?
it seems that what we saved in products we pay in taxes to support those programs for the needy. something to think about when we buy from china and turn our backs on people who need help feeding their families.
Agreed! I hate that we send so much work overseas and don't have enough jobs for own people! I'd pay more to simply keep the jobs here - and thus eventually costs lower all the way around.

Debbie in Austin
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