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Old 12-04-2010, 03:04 PM
TN Donna
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
i have had real mixed feelings this year...normally Thanksgiving weekend the holiday music goes on and the decorating gets in gear...i usually do it up! have quite a village from you know 30+ years of collecting pieces...
about 4 years ago hubby & i moved to a new house...about 40 miles from any nearest relatives ... not far- just far enough
i still decorated like always, last year i did it all alone, spent an 8 hour day putting up the village, everything, ahhhhhh it was beautiful! and not a single person the whole month stopped by and saw it, and i had (mixed feelings) about what i enjoyed it.... maybe this year we will have the grandgirls up sometime during the month?...... maybe i aught to just 'not-bother' and save electricity?..........maybe i should just get decorating...and it will pull me out of this slump?.......hubby is even willing to participate this year....... part is the empty-nester thing i'm sure, since my (baby) joined the navy this past year and is clear across the country, other son in Florida...daughter is here...40 miles away...those girls lead the busiest is hard to (catch-them)
Mine are scattered. I have one in town(two grandkids), one 40 miles away(1 grandson), one is Northeastern KY, and one in Italy in the Navy. I have not had them all together for Christmas in 5 years.
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