Thread: Arthritic hands
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Old 12-07-2010, 05:36 AM
Teresa 54
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Originally Posted by lorniki
Thanks, but can't take NSAIDS. Also have fibromyalgia and am on Lyrica just increased my dosage!
be careful with the Lyrica, it was making me so drousy that I was falling asleep driving, and while sitting at my desk. I nearly lost my job because I couldn't remember anything, it took my short term memory away.
I take a 1/4 of a sleeping pill that is prescribed, a good nights sleep helps the fibromyalgia fantastically. mine was caused from Rhumatoid Arthritis. When my hands are really bad, I baby them, use Biofreeze, helps a little. I make sure I wear my quilting gloves and keep my hands stretched out, not pulled in. warm water helps. I am on Actemra - the newest of the arthritis drugs - it us heavy duty and I get side effects. This is the last drug available to me, the others have all plateaued out.
please ex cuse the spelling.
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