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Old 12-07-2010, 02:55 PM
Becky Crafts
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Join Date: Sep 2010
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Learned to sew Barbie Clothes on an old Singer Treadle machine. Many thanks to my Great Aunt, I learned many crafts, but after marrying my DH broke jeans zipper & I refused to hand-sew a new one in. Bought an old White Rotary machine in a case for $10.00 at a flea market & have been sewing ever since. Started with clothing for me & 3 kids, mending of course many times for DH, then to Christmas gifts, etc. I tried a log cabin quilt top 12 yrs ago (UFO)an oversized queen, finished top just before moving from our home into a very small motorhome. This year, after being diagnosed with cancer & going through all that entails, I guess I felt the need to finish one. Started making lap robes & made six so far & a quilted tote bag. Now I'm trying to build my stash to keep going. DH is encouraging me. He's so good!! Think I'll keep him! :-)
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