Thread: Wooden Spools
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Old 12-08-2010, 07:52 PM
Betty Ruth
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Originally Posted by GailG
Originally Posted by Randa
Originally Posted by Randa
My dad made a small table out of the spools when he and my mom were first married. He glued or placed them on a small dowl or both for legs, then put the top and another shelf in there. He then stained it dark. We had that around for many years! I have to wonder what happened to it. I've not seen it (mom passed 4 years ago). Hmmmm....will have to ask the sisters.
Back in the depression, they used what they had and made do. I'm thinking this is the reason for the table. It was a wonderful table and now a wonderful memory. Thank you!
Put your thinking caps on and make something useable from these wooden spools. I remember also, having these in the toy box to stack and roll. Wow! That was lots of decades ago!! LOL! Wonder why I can remember these things and not what the movie was I watched last night!!??
I have a memory of a doll made with spools. Now that I think about it, it resembled the dolls or clowns made with yo-yos. Kinda looked like a stick figure. I remember it being strung on narrow elastic or shoestrings. Wow! That surely was a long time ago. I picture it in a place I lived before I was 9 years old. (We moved to a new house when I was nine and this was before that.) I too cannot remember a lot of things from yesterday.

My mother made spool dolls for the grandchildren. She also strung them together so that they looked like the wheels of a train and gave this to my son as a pull toy. She made a lot of stuffed animals. One was a pig with a covered tin can for his body.
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