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Old 12-11-2010, 03:54 PM
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Just to catch everyone up. Have ended up taking more than a month off with the dolls, but am returning mid January, hopefully. My brother is still undergoing chemo and half done now with it. He is undergoing some real hard things as a result. Just got 2 more units of blood 2 days ago, and his kidney's are 'stressed' so they gave him 2 liters of IV fluids to try to help with that. All further chemo delayed perhaps 2 weeks on accont of it all, and he returns for another kidney check this Monday.

Just wanted those following my cancer doll thing to know I am not finished by any stretch of the imagination with the dolls, and will keep making them. HOWEVER the local small office has closed its doors, due to budget problems, so now I must depend on people contacting me, as they find a need. I may extend the dolls to other children in trouble for different reasons. We will just see how it goes and keep on keeping on. Hope all of you out there are receiving buckets of blessings. God Bless and Merry Christmas to all.

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