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Old 12-13-2010, 10:43 AM
Sew_Deer's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Posts: 78

Originally Posted by quiltingnonie
As I was staring at the 5 pound slab of fudge on my cutting board waiting to be cut, I thought: "Wish I could use my rotary cutter..." I nixed that idea, then AHA! :idea:
I dug around the kitchen and armed with my pizza cutting wheel and a plastic ruler (the kind we used in school), I embarked on cutting 5 pounds of perfect 1" fudge squares :-D. The edges are so clean and the pizza cutter made short work of it. A new tradition born!
Funny you wrote this, I was home for Thanksgiving and my youngest daughter did just this...first time I saw it done and thought it was genius.....glad u thought of it too. I had already forgotten.
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