Thread: quilting guilds
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Old 12-14-2010, 05:56 PM
Treegal's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Barnesville Ohio
Posts: 37

I am lucky to belong to a small guild- about 15-20 ladies all together. Rarely do we all make it to a meeting but we sure have fun ! Our dues are just token ( 50 cents per year and a couple bucks a month to cover the use of the building where we meet). We are from all different backgrounds, ladies who quilt for a living, or who have been quilting a long time, ladies who are new to the art and want to learn. We welcome all, and meet 2x per month. Once to just sew and visit and once for a guild meeting. This guild is simple and just beginning, and the day we start to charge a big fee, I will have to bow out. For us it seems to be all about the people and learning and sharing.
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