Thread: So upset!
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Old 12-16-2010, 06:39 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Bangor North Wales
Posts: 353

Know exactly how you feel - my Pfaff 4020 packed up yesterday. There's a very fragile wire hook that is integral to the bobbin working properly. at the beginning of September it became detatched so took it to the local S/M repair man and it cost me £42.50 and a 24hr wait. He said it would need replacing but if I was careful and didn't sew at a 100mph it would last a while. That while lasted 3 months. I've rung the dealer which is 60miles away and they can't do anything about it til the new year. That's a long time without my favourite. I have a Janome Jem but it's so tiny I can't machine quilt with it. I shall have to spend time at my MILs using her machine to finish off the gifts - couple of lap quilts that need MQ one of which is hers!!. 20 mugrugs, and 3 tablerunners I can finish on the Jem. Hoping you all finish off your Christmas gifts in time. Have a good holiday. God bless you all

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