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Old 12-16-2010, 10:37 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Newberg, OR
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I might agree with the nonwashers, except if you're using batiks. Even the most expensive among them will bleed from time to time, and some need to be washed several times before the bleeding will stop. I figure I have nothing to lose, except the time it takes me to throw it in the washer. I always pink both ends with a rotary cutter fitted with a pinking blade, and while it doesn't completely stop any raveling, it does bring it down significantly. Further, all fabric, be it on the bolt or a garment hanging on the rack is treated with chemicals and pesticides. I don't want that against my skin before it's been washed. Also, I hang my fabric to dry--no reason, in particular, I just always have.
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