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Old 12-19-2010, 11:11 AM
Subee's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Northeast Indiana
Posts: 44

I have my fabric by color in drawers and containers.
But the best thing I do is:
I have drawers of precut strips by color. If I feel like sewing all I need to do is go grab some strips.
the sizes I keep are
1 1/2"
2 1/2"
3 1/2"
4 1/2"
If I do not have enough to keep a size by color I do separate by light and dark.
I keep my strips in a system called
"A Scrap USER System" brought to me by Bonnie Hunter of
It saves so much time. After I finish a project all the scraps get cut into these usable sizes.
Warning! You may need to by stock in Rubbermaid.

Originally Posted by girlsfour
After seeing a great post with pictures of a sewing room, I am wondering - how do most people organize their fabric? Totally by color or by quantity of fabric? What or why does your system work best for you?
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