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Old 12-19-2010, 02:31 PM
Sheila Elaine
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k9dancer, once the triangles are sewn, they have to be cut & that's what I have trouble with for the present. I tried it several times & can cut, but see that it puts to much stress on the scar for now. The nerves are growing back & it's best for me to wait until the surgery site is all healed, inside & out, before I cause more damage. I have used the method you're talking about, and it works well. Thanks for the suggestion.

Edie, I waited 10 years from the time I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel until I had the surgery in Nov. If you had the burning type pain I had in my whole hand when I woke up with my entire hand cold & throbbing (felt like it was on fire), you might rethink surgery. Bone spurs versus nerve damage.....lots of difference. I had a golf ball sized bone spur chiseled off my left sciatic nerve in 1998, so know all about those. They are hereditary & I have them all up & down my spine, on my right heel, left shoulder.... My Dad had them & he was to the point he couldn't turn his neck to the right.

I don't advocate any kind of surgery, but have had to have some, and once I was out of the torturing pain, I wondered why I waited so long. I pray you can get by without any and am glad you aren't giving up. I'm not giving up, just doing what I have to do to get better.
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