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Old 12-19-2010, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Deb watkins
Originally Posted by bigsister63
When I first joined this board I was reading everthing and got SO much how-to info and links. Now it seems that a lot of the posts are repeats of previous posts. Now I skim through the topics and ususaly read how to questions/need help. some are new/different and others are same as past. Maybe to make it easier on readers topics should be searched for info before new post is listed.
Yes, many of the posts ARE repeat questions. Since I have been here for quite awhile, if I have a question, I know to go to the search section and look through the posts and answers. Though I have to admit, I didn't understand what search was when I first joined. Wonder if there is some sort of 'intro tutorial' when one signs up that would explain all of the Board features?
Deb, your hired, wonderful idea. I bet you could make a great tutorial for us new ones.
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