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Old 12-22-2010, 03:39 AM
grann of 6
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by craftybear

Wow, you sure have been busy

I was wondering if you would share you recipe for us for the dog treats


Originally Posted by grann of 6
with your Christmas preps? Are you finished sewing & quilting? Are you doing any food things? I am having my family here, 13 of them, plus the neighbors and assorted in-laws for brunch on Christmas Day. Today I am making pumpkin bread for the mail carrier, and trash men to give out tomorrow. Then I am going to make beef & chicken flavored dog treats for the grand pups, made with baby food. All the food is purchased. I have finished all the gifts that I am making; not as much this year. I want to hear what you guys are doing.
Yes, I can post the recipe. How about if I post it in the recipe thread? I'll do it in a bit. Just got up a while ago; ache all over again today. Had the dogs out and let them taste test the treats. They were a big hit so today I may try to make them in chicken flavor too. Actually, if you go on they have lots of recipes. These are called Big Boy Beef Biscuits.
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