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Old 12-22-2010, 09:48 AM
The Creative Seamstress
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Originally Posted by lovequilts
I'll just add I use MaryEllen's Best Press. The best starch I've ever used. It comes in a spray bottle and lasts a long time.
Amen!!! I wish I could buy this stuff at Costco... right now i'm running out so I'll have to get a web order in as the craft stores don't carry it, you'll usually only find it in an indie sewing/craft shop if you can track it down on foot at all.

Seriously everyone, this is the bestest product ever and using it will avoid all the drama with your irons. IT"S WONDERFUL!!!! The have everything from scented to unscented, and "Linen" is my favorite scent. It is by far the best product I ever used, and makes my life sooooooo much easier when I do need to starch. Plus let me tell you, ladies if you've got blouses and men if you've got your button-down business workshirts, let me tell you - it never fails to make your clothes look like you just pulled them off the rack brand spanking new.

I grew up in a family who only used "Niagra" Starch - and now after having heard about "MaryEllen's Best Press" on a Youtube Video and then getting a full sized sample when I brought my Accuquilt Go! I will never be the same. Try It! You won't regret it!

Happy Holidays!

Explosive blessings, abundance and inspiration to you all!
- The Creative Seamstress
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