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Old 12-22-2010, 10:16 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by BabkaGal
I am almost done with a quilt for my guild's upcoming show,
I went right over this the first time I read it:

Empire's show in March at FIT? It'll be a hit, I'm sure.

Also, I just wanted to share a blog that I follow.
Wanda pretty much only works in Kaffe-ish (Jacob/Phillip/Carla-/ know, the whole Westminster family) fabrics and makes beautiful quilts - simple shapes but really working the value/color components of these fabrics.
I'm pretty impressed with the size of her collection of thse fabrics. I thought you, and those following this thread, might also find it interesting.

And quite the "discussion" you've got going here, isnt' it? Just sitting back quietly and watching it unfold?
I'm not double dipping so I won't repost my thoughts :mrgreen: :-D
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