Thread: Hi, I'm new!
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Old 12-23-2010, 03:58 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Mountains of Arizona
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by Mpark
I just joined the forum even though I have been reading your postings for about 2 weeks. I have never made a quilt even though years ago I quilted with some ladies from church who were "pros". I wasn't much good at hand quilting, but really enjoyed the fellowship of the quilting bees. My sewing machine is not in working condition but I have hinted for a new one for Christmas. If I get one, I want to piece a quilt and machine quilt it. I will need plenty of help, especially how to get started. I will post that question later, when I get ready to start. I am a retired public school teacher/librarian from Mississippi. I have 3 sons, 3 beautiful daughters in law and 8 wonderful grandchildren. I enjoy reading your posts and look forward to many more conversations with you all.
I am not a great quilter, and pretty much self taught, I've received many compliments on here that really is encouraging. Good Luck to you and I do hope Santa was listening.
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