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Old 12-24-2010, 06:18 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Baileys Prairie, Texas
Posts: 294

My oldest UFO was finished about 10 years ago...and not by me! In the early 70's I bought a embroidery kit for a king size quilt. I finished about 5 of the sections and put it in a plastic box along with thread, pattern, and top. 10 years ago a very good friend was getting ready to take an extended RV trip and asked me to look for any unfinished projects at a garage sale for her to work on while they were gone. I immediately went to the way back of my closet and brought her the "box". She laughed and said this would be the second one she had done. The color scheme was different but the pattern was the same. Her sister had started the same pattern with the same result.."box". My friends had gone home to Oklahoma to help take care of her aunt who was in the hospital and had asked her mother for a project...from the closet came her sister's box. She finished the top in the 16 days she stayed with her aunt. 25 years later she took my box and left. 6 weeks later they returned from their trip and she brought me my finished quilt including it being hand quilted (with praire points) by her 90 year old mother in 13 days. It is my prized possession and resides in our guest bedroom free of grandchildren and dogs. I never expected it to come back much less completed. My friend can no longer due hand work, but her gift to me is most precious.
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