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Old 11-04-2008, 10:39 AM
treshay's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 4

Hello all. I've just started my first quilt. I'll tell you what happened, I have three daughters and I got sick of tossing clothes just because there was a tear or stain on them, so I went in search of a way to use the fabric and came up with quilting :-) .....ok so I didn't "come up" with it, I ran across the idea online lol.

I am not really a sewer. 10 years ago I made my daughter her first Christmas dress and followed that by making pillows but that is the extent of my "skill" so quilting is definitely a challenge.

I am trying to do it by hand for now, I do have a machine but no where to pull it out that it could stay out while I complete the project.

I am doing a heart quilt. I don't know if it is a patchwork or sampler quilt, because I don't exactly know what those terms mean lol. But I'm using fabric from my girls old clothes - 3 girls = lots of red and pink clothes, that's why I decided to go with a heart quilt.

Anyways, wanted to get on here and introduce myself because I'm expecting to need lots of help along the way LOL!

Look forward to getting to know you all!

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