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Old 12-28-2010, 05:27 AM
Bottle Blonde
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4 dogs and 2 cats live with me. The 2 cats are only interested in the finished quilt - to snuggle under. 1 dog barks at the machine when I am sewing - I guess he gets as excited as I do about quilting --- 1 dog lays on my feet and the foot pedal to make me sew faster (and he keeps my feet warm) - 1 dog is a puppy, so he snatches anything he can get so that I chase him around the room to get my cardio workout for the day! The oldest dog keeps the other 3 in line when I am too busy to watch them myself. I always make quilts for the pets from the odd blocks, UFOs and ugly fabric that I have and they love them! They are very "quilt gift" worthy. Purrs and kisses everyday for the quilts I give them.
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