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Old 12-28-2010, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Caer Urfa
Does anyone else feel like this after Christmas? I have oodles of ideas and projects and new patterns and .. and ... Every year I get like this, just can't settle to anything. Is it because I have time on my hands, the only spare time in the year, or just the letdown after a busy end of year and celebrations. To really produce I need to be pushed to the limit and time poor. Another good reason could be that we have had continual rain for well over a week and much of Queensland and northern NSW is flooded. You might think that is a good time to get organised, but I get out patterns, sort my stash, scan through my craft magazines, print off projects found by Crafty Bear, decide I am going to finish that Christmas present that has now turned into a birthday present, prepare the backing for a quilt finished 6 months ago and so it goes on. Don't give me motivational hints! I have already given myself a good talking to! But I would like to know I'm not the only one - please!
You are not the only one - I refer to it as my annual Christmas depression - this year it came after the day --- usually it comes before. Relax, brew a cup of tea and everything will be OK in a day or so.
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