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Old 12-31-2010, 04:28 PM
sew cornie
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It is slow going, but I find it very relaxing. I do have to learn to say no now and then though. I'm really far behind on my Farmer's Wife blocks and should get those caught up before taking on a new project. I'll still have to mull this one over for awhile to see if I'll really have the time to do it. The border would take forever.

Originally Posted by DonnaRae
You both must have a lot of patience if you do needle turn. I think I would enjoy it too but I don't think I would get a long with the time it takes. :roll:

Originally Posted by Dandish
Originally Posted by sew cornie
Thanks for the notice on this. It's really stunning. I'm not good enough to do it by machine, but may give it a try by hand. Needle-turned takes a long time but I really enjoy it. I think I'll download it each month, but am not sure about keeping up with the timeline. It looks fun to try though.
My first thought was needle turn also - a block a month, no problem, right? BUT then I started considering the border, it might never get finished if I tried it by needle turn. So I'm going to try a technique new to me - invisible machine applique. I hope I can do it justice, it'll be a learning experience I'm sure. I'm going to try a couple simpler sample blocks and see if I can get decent at it. If not, I'll have to decide on a different method. If I had the time I would do this needle turn, though, as I love that process.
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