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Old 01-02-2011, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by cathyvv
Who-eeee! That might have gotten at least a stern look out of me!

One New Years Eve my DH went into the garage and got a can of black spray paint. He was feeling pretty good (no drinking, he just felt full of himself) so came up stairs to flirt with me a bit - you know, high school type show off stuff from a 35 year old male.

He stood next to his baby grand piano, rolled the spray paint can from one hand to the other. When I protested, saying that it could really cause a mess if he dropped it, he started tossing it from hand to hand.

You guessed right. HE MISSED the catch. The spray paint hit the right angle of the trim on the leg of the piano. The point of the trim pierced the spray paint can.

Then we watched as the spray paint can 'self-propelled' itself with the paint leaking from the puncture in the can - all the way across the hardwood floor, toward the steps.

DH gathered his wits (or lost them again, to this day I'm not sure which!) when the spray paint reached the top step, He started to run toward the steps, slipped on the wet paint that had just sprayed all over the floor and fell on his butt just short of going over the stair rail. As for me, I just said the first thing that came to mind, "Oh, S*it!"

Then there was nothing either of us could do but watch as the spray paint rolled down eacg steps, on a direct course to an unscheduled 'repaint of his BROTHERS prized juke box. (His brother didn't have room for it in his house.)

The spray paint can 'sprayed it's last' on the bottom step and rolled a foot or two, then stopped. It missed the juke box...

All that happened in 4 - 6 seconds, but it seemed to happen in slow motion. When the paint stopped rolling, I looked at DH and said, "If one of the kids did that, you'd be having a fit. I don't want to hear any BS from you about this."

Being a smart woman, I rounded up the kids and took them out to eat while he cleaned up his mess and bemoaned and cursed his fate.

He did a reasonably good clean up job, but the hardwood really needed to be redone and the house stunk of turpentine. 15 years later, we finally redid the hardwood floors.

We laugh about it now...
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