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Old 01-02-2011, 08:36 PM
All Thumbs
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While I have not read all 11 pages of hints for FMQ, I am sure most of them say something about practicing forever. FMQ is not an easy thing to learn because it is not like using a pencil which you move to form letters or drawings. Instead FMQ can be compared to moving the paper under the pencil. Tricky, yes, but with practice it will come.

The way I taught myself was to make stars first. For some reason the straight line, then a stop, then reverse my mind to make the next straight line, stop again, etc seemed to work for me. You remember those five lined stars we made in grade school? Those are the ones I am talking about. My first line was about 2-1/2 to 3 inches.

Once I got that in my mind, I ventured on to curves. Hearts seemed to be the easiest for my curving lessons in addition to trying to write your name.

Good luck. You CAN do this. :)
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