Old 01-03-2011, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by sew cornie
A question for those with more experience with pp than myself (read: if you've made this block, you have more experience than me):

What do you do with the grain of the fabric when doing angled pieces (ie. the part of the church building at the tops of the windows or where the roof is angled). Do you just eyeball it so that when it's done, it's basically going the right way? Does grain even matter in something like this?

I'd like to use plaids . . . they are so homey (Ha ha! How'd you like that one?). I got a bunch of plaid FQs for Xmas and would love to use them, but I don't want to waste them if it turns out badly. I've thought of drafting the church onto freezer paper and doing the block as applique instead of pp, but that seems like cheating here. Defeats the purpose of learning something new. Because plaids are directional, maybe this isn't a good application. Just thinking out loud here. I do have a back-up plan for another fabric selection but I'm not as excited about it. Thoughts anyone?
I am self taught using Carol Doak's instructions for PPiecing - but remember that grain of fabric is not important. I've never paid attention to it and have not had any problems. I too, have considered plaids - haven't sat down yet to try the pattern - not sure how it will work...
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