Old 01-03-2011, 06:18 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Tampa Bay Area, Florida
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Okay so I watched the video that goes with the "5 foods to never eat". Sounds great, but don't they all? Anyone familiar with this Flat Belly Solution? Don't have $97 for something like that anyway, just wondering if anyone is familiar with it. Kudos to all ya all, so many doing great! Trupeach you should write a book! Cinnamon is also good for lowering blood sugar levels [no cinnamon rolls do NOT count--now why did I bring them up? Sigh...] One more thing, have you ever put cinnamon sticks in your water? Would heating a cup of water, letting the sticks sit in it then add to water and leaving in frig overnight work? I'm also thinking of combining the apple cider vinegar and cinnamon, gotta live dangerously sometimes! I'm back on my treadmill for 20 minutes and then walking with the dog for 35. The vet said she's 2-3 lbs over [I don't think she is and I've raised dogs all my life, but I don't want her to gain anymore] so we're both back on the street! 5 a.m. comes early, night all! Keep it up everybody, proud of you all!
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