Old 01-03-2011, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by leaha
I have my cutting table in the corner, and my big board ironing board in the next room. Why? because I need all the moving around I can get!! For me I do not want every thing in a nice little U shape, did that for years, and it is one of the reasones I am in the shape I am in, so do all the getting up and down and walking I can do, hoping it will some day make a differance.
Actually, that's a great idea. I like to move around too... simply cause I'm borderline ADHD... and jumpy if I stay in the same position for too long. lol.

I'll get on the stick and post some pictures tomorrow, when there's enough daylight to make some good shots. I'll post them over in the picture section, of course!

Ladies, thanks. I was thinking that there might be some obscure reason having to do with quilting that might make a difference. Space is indeed key. I wouldn't have room to baste a queen sized quilt in anycase cause the room is too small. If and when I need to baste a quilt that size, I've already developed a good relationship with my Local sew store. (The local quilt stores are rather cliquey and not very helpful to newbies. The sew store, however, has been extremely wonderful with their time, expertise, even parts and pieces.)
Thanks again!
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