Old 01-06-2011, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by kellen46
Originally Posted by rebeccalr
Okay, so maybe I do need to get a template. I couldn't find one at my LQS or JoAnn's. I guess I will have to buy one off of the internet. It still looks okay, but I want it to be 12. It makes the colors come out right.
Here is my 13+plate story..Years ago, before rotary cutters and plastic templates I moved from Colorado to Oregon. I could only take what I could pack in my old Mercury Cougar. So knowing I would not get to take a lot of my fabrics, I cut out many quilts for later assembly. From my scrap bin I cut out about a dozen 12 piece plates using a cardboard template. Well fast-forward to my new home and I start stitching up those plates. It seems that my cardboard template had shrunk with each pass of the pencil around it's edges. By the time I got to last of them I was having to add and adjust plates to make it all lay flat. I ended up with lots of 13, 14 and one 15 bladed plates. Since I did not have access to the original pile of scraps They were some funny looking Dresden's. However luckily my first grandson had come along and he was more than happy to take this brightly scrapped quilt off my hands. I think it got loved to death over his growing up years. Now I have lots of plastic templates and all my blades are uniform, but that off kilter Dresden is still a happy memory.
Nice story - there is always someone to appreciate what we deem not-quite-right!
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