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Old 01-07-2011, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by JUNEC
Originally Posted by Kara
Originally Posted by angelwatcher
Fantastic!! I so want to do a Crazy Patch something and this is an inspiration for me. Was it a pattern or did you just wing it? Did you do the stitching after it was applied to the jacket? Would love to know the details!!
The jacket pattern came from It's called "The Hooded Jacket". Tho, you probably notice, there's not hood... Hoods tend to make things seem really informal, so I used the bottom 2 inches of the hood pattern piece to make a collar. But the jacket pattern already has a panel in the front, so I used it.

The crazy patch panels have a muslin foundation. I started by tracing the panel piece onto tissue paper, then used my ruler to make the lines to cut and sew and drafted the dresden plate so I could get a template for the pieces. For this part, I did just "wing it". There wasn't a pattern for this.

I made and stitched the panels before I stitched the top and bottoms of the fronts to them. I wanted to make sure that the panels didn't "shrink" from the stitching and sewing and any sewing discrepancies. You just have to keep in mind that the stitches need to stay inside the seam allowances.

Hope this helps :)
What kind of sewing machine do you have - love all your stitching
I use a Pfaff. Though the stitches were all hand embroidered.
The stitches were LOTS of fun! And now that they're done, I kind of miss them. :)
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