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Old 01-07-2011, 09:32 AM
Sew_Deer's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: back to Ohio
Posts: 78

I was about 11 and taking a walk w/my mom, brothers and sister and neighbors on a desolate flat top of a hill in WV. Some goofey looking boys rode by on bikes, one stopped and said....I'm going to marry her. I had no idea who he was but was embarrassed that he even said that. (I really thought he was goofey looking) When I was 17 we were looking for an apt. or house to rent and mom knocked on this door. The woman answered and her son was in the house. She wouldn't rent to us because her son was google-eyed on me. LOL it was the same guy. Mom found a house down the street to rent. And of course after a year, He did marry me. That was 38 years ago and we are still married.
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